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Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

Apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Schulz

  • Hochfrequenztechnik und Pho­to­nik
    • Modellierung und Analyse des Ladungsträgertransports in Quantenbauelementen der THz-Tech­nik und Pho­to­nik
    • Entwicklung von Algorithmen zur Charakterisierung des Wärmetransports in Mikro- und Nanostrukturen
    • Ent­wick­lung von schnellen Al­go­rith­men für die Analyse von Wellenleiterschaltungen im Zeit- und Frequenzbereich für An­wen­dungen in der THz-Tech­nik und Pho­to­nik
    • Analyse und Herstellung von Git­ter­struk­tu­ren in der Plasmonik und deren An­wen­dungen in der Sensorik
  • Aktuelle Drittmittelprojekte
    • Schnelle Zeitbereichsmethoden zur Analyse von Komponenten der Photonik (Förderung durch die DFG ab 01.09.2016-30.11.2024)
    • Numerische Methoden zur Beschleunigung der Analyse des Ladungsträgertransports in Quantenbauelementen der Hochfrequenztechnik und Photonik auf der Grundlage der von-Neumann-Gleichung (Förderung durch die DFG ab 01.11.2017 bis 30.08.2025
    • Diskontinuierliche Galerkin-Verfahren für die von-Neumann-Gleichung (Förderung durch die DFG ab 01.12.2024) 
    • Entwicklung und Optimierung von mikrooptischen Strukturen (Förderung durch das BMWI ab 01.04.2021-30.06.2024)
    • Phononentransport in integrierten Schaltungen (Förderung durch die DFG seit 01.02.2024)
  • Abgeschlossene Drittmittelprojekte (Auswahl)
    • Erasmus Mundus: Leaders (Förderzeitraum 2014-2018)
    • Erasmus Mundus: Intact (Förderzeitraum 2013-2017)
    • Erasmus Mundus: StrongTies (Förderzeitraum 2011-2015)
    • Analyse und Modellierung von InP-basierten Wellenleiter-MQW-Elektroabsorptionsmodulatoren (För­de­rung durch die DFG, 1996-2000)
    • Makromodellierungen und schnelle Simulationsmethoden zur Lö­sung der nichtlinearen Schrödingergleichung (För­de­rung durch die DFG, 1999-2002)
    • Analyse und Modellierung von Quantenbauelementen (För­de­rung durch die DFG, 1999-2005)
    • Zeitbereichsanalyse von Streifenleitungs-Zirkulatoren mit der Me­tho­de der Finiten Differenzen (För­de­rung durch die DFG, 1997-2002)


  • Mathias Pech and Dirk Schulz, "Switching Behavior of Graphene Nanoribbon FETs," 2024 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), San Jose, USA, 25.09.24-27.09.24, accepted, 2024

  • Mathias Pech, Alan Abdi and Dirk Schulz, " Density Matrix Based Transport in Heterostructure Devices Utilizing Tight-Binding Approaches," 2024 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), San Jose, USA, 25.09.24-27.09.24, accepted, 2024
  • W. Plotnikov and D. Schulz, “Faber polynomial based Local Propagators for Laser Applications,” IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO'2024), Montreal, Canada, 11.08.24-14.08.24, accepted, 2024
  • V. Ganiu and D. Schulz, "Efficiency Analysis of Discontinuous Galerkin Approaches for the Application onto Quantum-Liouville Type Equations", Journal of Computational Electronics, doi.org/10.1007/s10825-024-02178-1, 2024
  • M. Pech, A, Abdi, D. Schulz, "Time-resolved analysis of DGFETs with non-parabolic energy dispersion for THz applications", Pech, M., Abdi, A., Schulz, D. Time-resolved analysis of DGFETs with non-parabolic energy dispersion for THz applications.  Journal of Applied Physics 135, 074303 (2024). doi: 10.1063/5.0188752.
  • A. Abdi, D. Schulz,  "Application of the Tight Binding Method onto the von-Neumann Equation", https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3255819/v1 , Journal of Computational Electronics, 2024, doi.org/10.1007/s10825-024-02173-6
  • W. Plotnikov and D. Schulz, “Optimization of the Faber Polynomial based Propagator through Parallelization”, 49th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Perth, Australia, accepted, 2024
  • P. Sarapukdee, D. Schulz and S. Palzer, „ Concept, Simulation, and Fabrication of Inverted Grating Structures for Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors”, Sensors2024, zur Veröffentlichung angenommen
  • P. Sarapukdee, C. Spenner, D. Schulz and S. Palzer, „Silver-Based Plasmonic Grating with PDMS Microchannel for Biological Sensors”, Eurosensors 2023, 2024, doi: 10.3390/proceedings2024097192


  • P. Sarapukdee, C. Spenner, D. Schulz and S. Palzer, „Optimizing Stability and Performance of Silver-Based Grating Structures for Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors”, Sensors23, 6743; https://doi.org/10.3390/s23156743

  • M. Pech, D. Schulz, "Investigating the impact of quantum confinement on the THz behavior of Nanoscale FinFETs", https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sse.2023.108808, Solid-State Electronics, vol. 210, Oct. 2023
  • A. Abdi and D. Schulz, "Resolving Inconsistencies between Discretizations for the Density Operator and the Wigner Function," 2023 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), Kobe, Japan, pp. 313-316, doi: 10.23919/SISPAD57422.2023.10319556. Sep. 2023
  • V. Ganiu and D. Schulz, "Application of a Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme onto Quantum-Liouville-type Equations for Heterostructure Devices," 2023 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), Kobe, Japan, pp. 261-264, doi: 10.23919/SISPAD57422.2023.10319502., Sep. 2023
  • M. Pech and D. Schulz, "Transient Effects of Band Non-Parabolicity in DGFETs for RF Applications," 2023 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), Kobe, Japan, pp. 253-256, doi: 10.23919/SISPAD57422.2023.10319483., Sep. 2023
  • M. Pech, A. Abdi, D. Schulz, "Investigation of a Staggered Grid Formulation of the Wigner Transport Equation for Complex Band Structures ", IWW Book of Abstracts, International Wigner Workshop (IWW), Barcelona, Spain, Jun. 2023
  • A. Abdi, M. Pech, D. Schulz, "Incorporation of the Tight Binding Hamiltonian into Quantum Liouville-type Equations", IWCN Abstract ,International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology (IWCN), Barcelona Spain, Jun. 2023
  • V. Ganiu, D. Schulz, "Application of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods onto Quantum-Liouville type Equations", IWCN Abstract ,International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology (IWCN), Barcelona, Spain, Jun. 2023
  • V. Ganiu, M. Jäger and D. Schulz, "Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin Approach for the Solution of Quantum Liouville-Type Equations," in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 22, pp. 696-705,  doi: 10.1109/TNANO.2023.3322541, 2023


  • V. Ganiu, D. Schulz, "Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin Approach for the Solution of Quantum Liouville-type Equations", International Conference on Si­mu­la­tion of Semiconductor Pro­cess­es and Devices, Granada, Spain, Nov. 2022
  • Valmir Ganiu, Dirk Schulz, "Discontinuous Galerkin concept for Quantum-Liouville type equations", Solid-State Electronics, doi.org/10.1016/j.sse.2022.108536 , vol. 200, Nov. 2022
  • Mathias Pech, Dirk Schulz, "THz gain compression in nanoscale FinFETs", Solid-State Electronics, vol. 199,  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sse.2022.108485 , Oct. 2022
  • Mathias Pech, Dirk Schulz, "THz Gain compression in nanoscale FinFETs", International Conference on Si­mu­la­tion of Semiconductor Pro­cess­es and Devices, Granada, Spain, Sep. 2022
  • W. Plotnikov, B. L. Inci and D. Schulz, "Investigation of conformal Mappings for the Approximation of Faber Polynomial based Propagators," 2022 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO), Limoges, France, 2022, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1109/NEMO51452.2022.10038962
  • W. Plotnikov, T. Murawski and D. Schulz, "Local Propagators utilizing Faber Polynomial based Expansions," 2022 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO), Limoges, France, 2022, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1109/NEMO51452.2022.10038518


  • L. Schulz, B. Inci, M. Pech, D. Schulz, "Subdomain based Exponential Integrators for Quantum Liouville-type Equations", J Comput Electron 202070–2090 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10825-021-01797-2
  • P. Sarapukdee, C. Spenner, D. Schulz, "Surface Reconditioning of Silver-based Gratings for Surface Plasmon Biosensors ", OSA Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences, Vancouver, Kanada, April 2021
  • L. Schulz, M. Pech, D. Schulz, "Dynamic Modelling of Quantum Trans­port within MGFETs", International Work­shop on Computational Nanotechnology, Daejeon, South Korea, May 2021
  • L. Schulz and D. Schulz, "Approximation of Multiband Hamiltonians for the Wigner Equation", International Wigner Work­shop, Daejeon, South Korea, May 2021
  • H. Kleene, T. Luong and D. Schulz, "Faber Polynomial Based Approximations of Nonlinear Integrators for Electrodynamics," in IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, vol. 6, pp. 41-49, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JMMCT.2021.3062459.


  • L. Schulz and D. Schulz, "Formulation of a phase space exponential operator for the Wigner transport equation accounting for the spatial variation of the effective mass", J. Comput Electron., doi.org/10.1007/s10825-020-01551-0 , 2020
  • L. Schulz and D. Schulz, "Multiband Phase Space Operator for Narrow Bandgap Semiconductor Devices", International Conference on Si­mu­la­tion of Semiconductor Pro­cess­es and Devices", Kobe, Japan, 2020
  • L. Schulz and D. Schulz, "Transient Mode Space based Quantum Liouville-type Equations applied onto DGFETs", International Conference on Si­mu­la­tion of Semiconductor Pro­cess­es and Devices", Kobe, Japan, 2020


  • L. Schulz and D. Schulz, "Complex Absorbing Potential Formalism Accounting for Open Boundary Conditions Within the Wigner Transport Equation," in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 18, pp. 830-838, 2019, doi: 10.1109/TNANO.2019.2933307.
  • L. Schulz and D. Schulz, "Subdomain Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of the Liouville-von Neumann Equation", International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology (IWCN), Chicago, USA, 2019
  • H. Kleene and D. Schulz, "Assessment of a Time Domain Beam Propagation Algorithm Based on Faber Polynomial Expansions ", IEEE MTT-S Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO), May 2019
  • L. Schulz and D. Schulz, "Formulation of a Complex Absorbing Potential for the transient numerical solution of the Wigner Transport Equation", International Wigner Workshop, Chicago, USA, 2019
  • L. Schulz and D. Schulz, "Formulation of a Complex Absorbing Potential for the transient numerical solution of the Wigner Transport Equation", International Wigner Workshop, Chicago, USA, May 2019
  • L. Schulz and D. Schulz, "Subdomain Algorithm for the numerical solution of the Liouville-von-Neumann Euqation", International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology (IWCN), Chicago, USA, May 2019
  • H. Kleene and D. Schulz, "Assessment of a Time Domain Beam Propagation Algorithm Based on Faber Polynomial Expansions ", IEEE MTT-S Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO), Boston, USA, May 2019
  • Kleene, H., Schulz, D.; "Complex envelope Faber polynomial method for the solution of Maxwell’s equations", Opt Quant Electron 51, 381, doi.org/10.1007/s11082-019-2099-y, 2019
  • H. Kleene and D. Schulz, "Explicit Wideband Time-Domain Beam Propagation Algorithm Based on Faber Polynomials," in IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, vol. 4, pp. 282-289, 2019, doi: 10.1109/JMMCT.2019.2954943.


  • H. Kleene and D. Schulz, "Time Domain Solution of Maxwell’s Equations Using Faber Polynomials," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 66, no. 11, pp. 6202-6208, Nov. 2018, doi: 10.1109/TAP.2018.2869037.
  • L. Schulz and D. Schulz, "Numerical Analysis of the Transient Behavior of the Non-Equilibrium Quantum Liouville Equation," in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1197-1205, Nov. 2018, doi: 10.1109/TNANO.2018.2868972.
  • L. Schulz and D. Schulz, "Boundary Concepts for an Improvement of the Numerical Solution with regard to the Wigner Transport Equation," 2018 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), Austin, TX, USA, 2018, pp. 75-78, doi: 10.1109/SISPAD.2018.8551736.
  • H. Kleene and D. Schulz, "On the Evaluation of Sources in Highly Accurate Time Domain Simulations on the Basis of Faber Polynomials," 2018 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-Toyama), Toyama, Japan, 2018, pp. 352-356, doi: 10.23919/PIERS.2018.8598215.
  • H. Kleene and D. Schulz, "Concept of a Complex Envelope Faber Polynomial Approach for the Solution of Maxwell’s Equations," 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO), Reykjavik, Iceland, 2018, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1109/NEMO.2018.8503125.
  • H. Kleene, D. Schulz, "Efficient Electromagnetic Time Domain Simulation on the Basis of Faber Polynomial Expansions", 11th Annual Meeting Photonic Devices, February 2018, Berlin, Germany
  • H. Kleene and D. Schulz, "Unitary Polynomial Propagator Solving Maxwell’s Equations Allowing Arbitrarily Large Time Steps," in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 193-196, 15 Jan.15, 2018, doi: 10.1109/LPT.2017.2780988.
  • C. Spenner, H. Kleene, P. Sarapukdee, K. Kallis, D. Schulz, "Analysis of SiO2- and MgF2-Based Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors", 26th International workshop on optical wave and waveguide theory and numerical modelling OWTNM, 2018, Bad Sassendorf, Germany
  • H. Kleene, D. Schulz, "An Assessment of Faber Polynomial Expansions for the Time Domain Solution of Maxwell’s equations", 26th International workshop on optical wave and waveguide theory and numerical modelling OWTNM, 2018, Bad Sassendorf, Germany


  • K. S. Khalid, L. Schulz, D. Schulz, "Self-Energy Concept for the Numerical Solution of the Liouville-von Neumann Equation", IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology, Au­gust 31st, 2017
  • D. Schulz, K. S. Khalid, L. Schulz, "Self-Energy Approach for Solving the Wigner-Trans­port Equation", 2nd International Wigner Work­shop, June 5, 2017, Windermere, UK
  • H. Kleene, D. Schulz, "Investigation of a Unitary Explicit Algorithm for Electromagnetic Time Domain Simulations", 25th International workshop on optical wave and waveguide theory and numerical modelling, 2017, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
  • H. Kleene, D. Schulz, "Electromagnetic time domain simulation of photonic devices: Concept to enable larger time steps for explicit methods", Matheon workshop on photonic devices, February 2017, Berlin, Germany.


  • H. Kleene, D. Schulz, "An Assessment of Polynomial Approximations for the Time-Domain Beam Propagator", 24th International workshop on optical wave and waveguide theory and numerical modelling,O-31, 2016, Warsaw, Poland.
  • L. Schulz, D. Schulz, "Application of a slowly varying Envelope Function onto the Analysis of the Wigner Trans­port Equation, 2016", IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology, vol. 15, no. 5, 2016
  • H. Kleene, D. Schulz, "Assessment of Chebychev Expansions for the Approximation of the Time Domain Propagator", in Advanced Photonics for Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, OSA Technical Digest (on­line), Optical Society of America, paper JTu4A.11, 2016.
  • L. Schulz, L. Haupt, D. Schulz, "Modal Analysis in the Krylov Domain utilizing a Subdomain Propagation Method", in Advanced Photonics for Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, OSA Technical Digest (on­line), Optical Society of America, paper JTu4A.12, 2016.
  • D. Schulz, A. Mahmood, "Approximation of a Phase Space Operator for the Numerical Solution of the Wigner Equation", IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. 52, no. 2, 2016





  • D. Schulz, "Assessment of Time Domain Beam Propagation Methods using Padé Approximants for Optical Waveguide Analysis", Compumag, Sydney, July 2011


  • D. Schulz, "Efficient Interface Conditions for Finite Difference Time Domain Methods", Compumag, Florianopolis, No­vem­ber 2009
  • R. Stonies, D. Schulz, "Time Domain Analysis of Lumped Element Circulators", Compumag, Florianopolis, No­vem­ber 2009



  • R. Stonies, D. Teufer, D. Schulz, "Time Domain Analysis and Design of Lumped Element Circulators", MTT-Symposium, San Francisco, Juni 2006




  • M. Wiedenhaus, A. Ahland, D. Schulz, E. Voges, "Dynamical Si­mu­la­tion of Quantum Well Structures", IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, vol. 37, no. 5, 2001, p. 684-690
  • J. Lenge, R. Stonies, D. Schulz, E. Voges, "Temperature characteristics of HQT microwave circulators", 31st European Microwave Conference 2001, London
  • M. Plura, J. Kissing, M. Gunkel, J. Lenge, J.-P. Elbers, C. Glingener, D. Schulz, E. Voges, "Improved split-step method for efficient fibre simulations", IEE Electron. Lett., Vol. 37, Nr. 5, Seiten 286-287, 2001.
  • M.Wiedenhaus, A.Ahland, D.Schulz and E.Voges, "Dynamics of Electroabsorption Modulators", 10th European Conference on Integrated Optics, ECIO 2001, Pa­der­born, p. 94-97
  • M.Wiedenhaus, A.Ahland and D.Schulz, "Si­mu­la­tion of Saturation Effects in Electroabsorption Modulators", AEÜ Int. J. Electron. Comm., vol. 55, no. 5, 2001, p. 323-327


  • A. Ahland, M. Wiedenhaus, D. Schulz, and E. Voges, "Calculation of Exciton Absorption in Arbitrary Layered Semiconductor Nanostructures with Exact Treatment of the Coulomb Singularity", IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. 36, no. 7, 2000, 842-848
  • A. Ahland, D. Schulz, and E. Voges, "Nonlinear ef­fects in blue-shift waveguides EAM's", Opt. Quantum Electron., 32, 2000, 769-780
  • M. Plura, J. Kissing, J. Lenge, D. Schulz, E. Voges, "Efficient Fibre Si­mu­la­tion: A Novel Approach to the Split-Step Method ", Work­shop W1: Modelling and Design of Optical Nerworks and Sys­tems, 26th European Conference on Optical Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, ECOC 2000, Mün­chen, Germany, 2000
  • M. Wiedenhaus, A. Ahland, D. Schulz, E. Voges, "Exciton Absorption in Semiconductor Nanostructures with Exact Treatment of the Coulomb Singularity", Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS 2001), 2000


  • A. Ahland, D. Schulz, and E. Voges, "Accurate mesh truncation for Schrodinger equations by a perfectly matched layer absorber: Application to the calculation of optical spectra", Physical Review B 60, no. 8, 1999, R5109-5112


  • D. Schulz, C.Glingener, M. Bludszuweit, and E.Voges, "Mixed finite element beam propagation method", IEEE J. Lightwave Technol. 16, no. 7, 1998, 1336-1342
  • A. Ahland, D. Schulz, and E. Voges, "Modelling and Design of Electroabsorption Modulators on GaInAsP", Int. J. Electron. Commun. 52, no. 5, 1998, 323-328
  • A. Ahland, D. Schulz, and E. Voges, "Efficient modelling of the Optical Properties of MQW Modulators on InGaAsP with Absorption Edge Merging", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 34, no. 9, 1998, 1597-1603
  • D. Schulz, C. Glingener, M. Bludszuweit, and E. Voges, "Vectorial beam propagation method based on mixed elements", Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonics Research, Victoria, Canada, Technical Digest, 1998, paper IME4, 65-67
  • A. Ahland, D. Schulz, E. Voges, "MQW waveguide electroabsorption modulators on InGaAsP with absorption edge merging", Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonics Research, Victoria, Canada, 1998, Technical Digest, paper ITuJ2, 321-323
  • J. Lenge, A. Ahland, J. Kastner, D. Schulz, "FDTD Analysis of Microwave Circulators involving saturated magnetized Ferrites ", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2, Baltimore, 1998, 633-636
  • J. Lenge, G. Steinwachs, I. Gieseke, D. Schulz, "FDTD Modeling and Analysis of Microstrip Circulators", 28th European Microwave Conference Proceedings (EuMC 1998), 2, Amsterdam, 1998, 289-294
  • J. Lenge, D. Schulz, "FDTD-Analyse und Modellierung von Mikrowellenzirkulatoren in Streifenleitungstechnik", Kleinheubacher Be­rich­te 42, Kleinheubach, 1998, 201-205


  • D. Schulz, A. Ahland, and E. Voges, "Time Domain Analysis and Modeling of Microstrip Circulators", Proceedings of the PIERS '97, Hongkong, 1997, 609
  • D. Schulz, C.Glingener, M. Bludszuweit, and E.Voges, "Mixed finite element beam propagation method", 8th European Conference on Integrated Optics, ECIO'97, Stockholm, 1997, Proceedings, 226-229


  • Rajarajan, P.A. Buah, T. Wongcharoen, B.M.A. Rahman, K.T.V. Grattan, D. Schulz, C. Glingener, P. Kopka, "Modelling of multimode interference based power dividers using different numerical approaches", Proceedings of the Applied Optics Division Conference of the IOP, Reading, UK, 1996 , 429-431


  • C. Glingener, D. Schulz, and E. Voges, "Modelling of Optical Waveguide Modulators on III-V Semiconductors", IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 31, no. 1, 1995, 101-112
  • D. Schulz, M. Pohl, and E. Voges, "Time Domain analysis of nonlinear optical waveguides", Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonics Research, Dana Point, USA, 1995, Technical Digest, paper IThF3
  • D. Schulz, M. L. Rossmann, and E. Voges, "Analysis of Waveguide Grating Devices", Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonics Research, Dana Point, USA, 1995, Technical Digest, paper IFD2
  • D. Schulz, M. Pohl, and E. Voges, "Analysis of Nonlinear Waveguides in the Time Domain", 7th European Conference on Integrated Optics, ECIO'95, Delft, Netherlands, 1995, 367-370
  • D. Schulz, C. Glingener, P. C. Lee, and E. Voges, "Finite difference beam propagation algorithms for the analysis of optical waveguides", 10th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, CompuMag'97, Berlin, 1995, Proceedings, 738-739
  • D. Schulz, M. L. Rossmann, and E. Voges, "Numerical Analysis of Waveguide Grating Devices", Proceedings of the IOOC '1995, Hongkong, 1995


  • D. Schulz, C. Glingener, and E. Voges, "Novel Generalized Finite Difference Beam Propagation Method", IEEE J. Quantum Electron.QE 23, 1994, 1132-1140
  • D. Schulz, P. C. Lee, and E. Voges, "Finite Difference Beam Propagation Algorithms", Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonics Research, San Francisco, USA, 1994, Technical Digest, paper ThF5
  • D. Schulz, W. Nöker, and E. Voges, "Novel Propagation Algorithm for the Analysis of Optical Waveguides in the Time Domain", Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonics Research, San Francisco, USA, 1994, Technical Digest, paper ThF6


  • D. Schulz and E. Voges, "Novel Generalized Finite Difference Beam Propagation Algorithm", Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Integrated Optics, ECIO'93, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1993, 13-4/13-5
  • D. Schulz, C. Glingener, W. Nöker, and E. Voges, "Beam Propagation Algorithms for the Analysis of Optical Waveguides in the Frequency and Time Domain", Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Optical Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, ECOC'93, Montreux, Switzerland, 2, 1993, 445-448



  • N. Thorweihe and D. Schulz, "A BPM type algorithm solving the vector wave equation", Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonics Research (IPR), Monterey, USA, 1991, Technical Digest, paper ThB4



Nanotechnologien, THz-Technik und Photonik  Master ET/IT  1.  ETIT-218  Basismodul  4V, 2Ü 9

Moderne Systeme der Photonik  Master ET/IT  1.  ETIT-302  Basismodul  4V, 2Ü  9

Hochfrequenzelektronik  Master ET/IT  2.  ETIT-236  IT, MM  2V, 1Ü  5

Hochfrequenzsysteme  Master ET/IT  3.  ETIT-260  IT, MM  2V, 1Ü  5

Integrierte Photonik  Master ET/IT  3.  ETIT-208  MM  2V, 1Ü  5

Technologien und Bauelemente der integrierten Optik  Master ET/IT  3.  ETIT-267  MM  2V, 1Ü  5

Studiengang/ Semester/ Modulnummer/ Schwerpunkt(e)/ SWS/ Credits

  • Abschluss Dipl.-Ing.
  • seit Au­gust 1990 an der Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund am Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenztechnik be­schäf­tigt
  • Pro­mo­ti­on zum Dr.-Ing. 1994
  • Promotionsthema:
    'Si­mu­la­tion optischer Wellenleiterschaltungen im Zeit- und Frequenzbereich'
  • Habilitation 2001
  • Habilitationsthema:
    'Zeitbereichsanalyse von Bauelementen der Hochfrequenztechnik und optischen Übertragungstechnik'
  • Ver­lei­hung der Lehrbefugnis für das Fach 'CAD für Hochfrequenzschaltungen' an der Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund 25.04.2001
  • Vertretungsprofessur 'Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit' an der Technischen Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund 01.04.2004 - 30.03.2006
  • Ver­lei­hung der Bezeichnung apl. Prof. am 02.04.2019
  • Vertretungsprofessur 'Mikro- und Nanoelektronik' an der Technischen Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund
    01.10.2019 - 30.03.2020
  • Vertretungsprofessur 'Nachrichtentechnik' an der Technischen Universität Dortmund seit 01.08.2023

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