Completed projects
Mobility Biographies
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), Project numbers: HO 3262/5-1, SCHE 1692/1-1, HO3262/5-2 and SCHE 1692/1-2 Schweizer Nationalfond (SNF, Swiss National Science Foundation) Project partners: [...] three generations – socialization effects on commute mode choice. In: Transportation Research Procedia 1(1), S. 165-176. Scheiner, Joachim / Sicks, Kathrin / Holz-Rau, Christian (2014): Generationsübergreifende [...] or economical conditions. The project examines selected aspects of mobility biographies, including: 1. effects of changes in the household and family structure, residential relocations and employment career …