Reiter Group
via the SUPER scheme T. K. Bracht, M. Cygorek, T. Seidelmann, V. M. Axt, D. E. Reiter Optica Quantum 1, 103 (2023) Symmetry breaking via alloy disorder to explain radiative Auger transitions in self-assembled [...] nanoantennas R.M. Kerber, J.M. Fitzgerald, S.S. Oh, D.E. Reiter, and O. Hess Communications Physics 1 , 87 (2018) Coherent phonon lasing in a thermal quantum nanomachine P. Karwat, D.E. Reiter, T. Kuhn [...] y excited quantum wire-dot systems T. Kuhn, D.E. Reiter, and V.M. Axt phys. stat. sol. (c) 5 , No. 1, 347-350 (2008) 2007 Spatiotemporal dynamics in optically excited quantum wire-dot systems: Capture …