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Study For further information on studying with the Institute for School Pedagogy, Curriculum and Teaching (Institut für Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik/IADS) please go the German home page enti …
Office of University Communications © Felix Schmale/TU Dortmund The Office of University Communications takes care of TU Dortmund University’s internal and external communications. It circulates med …
und der schwierigen Selbstverständlichkeit eines Begriffs . In: Soziologiemagazin, Jg. 6., Ausgabe 1, S. 12-28. Chapters in Books 2021 (i.E.) Wustmann, Julia (2021, i.E.): Ästhetisch-Plastische Chirurgie …
of Quantum Chemistry a Tribute to the Memory of Per-Olov Lowdin, Kluwer, Dordrecht, Volume II, pp. 1-32 Non-Hermitian scattering theory: Resonant tunneling probability amplitude in a quantum dot H. Barkay …
or management positions (Aktion Mensch, 2021). The migrant gender pay gap also shows the same thing 1 This term means that "being a migrant" is not a factual condition, but that people are discursively …
innovative and strong in all research disciplines Research Profile of TU Dortmund University TU Dortmund University is innovative and strong in all research disciplines. Numerous research awards and p …
divergent thinking across gender, age and school forms. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25, 1-7. Holling, H., Blank, H., Kuchenbäcker, K., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2008). Rule-based item design of statistical …
of one year study as a cohort, who attend courses together at the University of Clermont Auvergne (1st semester), TU Dortmund University (2nd semester) and the University of Bologna (3rd semester) …