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16.05.2012, 23.05.2012, 06.06.2012, 13.06.2012, 20.06.2012, 27.06.2012, 04.07.2012, 11.07.2012. R.1.253 …
moodle Ronja Trischler Basic Literature Reading Sociology (c) (SE, Mon. 14-16 h, Seminar room building 1 - 3.008) lsf moodle Mirko Spiegel Introduction to Sociological Thought (LEC, Thurs. 4-6pm, Hörsaalgebäude …
3rd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State of the Art in Java Program Analysis}, pages = {1–6}, numpages = {6}, keywords = {static analysis, program analysis, abstract interpretation, software …
as possible to manufacture. And mechanics provides us with the tools to master this challenge. In "TM1", we will deal with this in the context of "statics", i.e. for systems that are in a static state of …
Zukunft Stadtregion Ruhr (ZUKUR) Duration: July 2017 - July 2020 Scope: 1.8 million euros Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) ZUKUR is the acronym for a research project funded …
videos that deal with the following key questions and are available in German, Arabic and Turkish: 1. how do I recognise what problems my child is having with reading? 2. how can I improve my child's reading …
materials. First, we prepare the tools, protocols, and approximations needed to model a dimerized spin-1/2 chain as a chain of non-interacting triplons. The spin-phonon coupling is treated by the theoretical …
Mathematics . Semester ticket or pre-course ticket The winter semester always officially begins on October 1. From then on, the semester ticket is also valid. Traditionally, the preliminary math course takes place …
Credit Transfer of Credits obtained abroad Before the stay abroad Step 1: Independent review of the criteria for the recognition of academic achievements (by yourself) The examination is taken at a st …
that lead complementor involvement was effective and we summarise our findings in four propositions: (1) lead complementor involvement facilitates platform emergence for incumbent companies by enhancing boundary …