Completed Projects
National Projects
In IEEE Int. Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 2024. 07/02/2024 AI-based Anomaly Detection for Industrial 5G Networks by Distributed SDR Measurements K. Šabanović [...] y acquired two projects funded by the 5G.NRW program. This reaffirms… Publications 1 2 Next 09/02/2024 Distributed Performance Evaluation of 5G and Wi-Fi for Private Industrial Networks C. Arendt, S. Fricke [...] S. Böcker, C. Wietfeld In IEEE International Symposium on Measurements and Networking (M&N), July 2024. 10/02/2023 IndoorDRaGon: Data-Driven 3D Radio Propagation Modeling for Highly Dynamic 6G Environments …