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INF-BSc-115 LSF: 040135 Credits: 4 (lecture 3 / exercises 1) Hours: 3 (lecture 2 sws / exercises 1 sws) Location: Tuesdays 4:15pm - 5:45pm SRG 1 / H.001 ; Wednesdays 8:15am - 9:45am HG II / HS 6 Start: [...] this ability and familiarize students with the techniques and methodology in this field. Curriculum 1 Foundations / Overview 2 Requirements (Collection, Capture, and Management) 3 Empicial Methods 4 Project …
few femtoseconds (1 fs = 10 -15 s). Our group develops novel methods to generate custom-cut optical pulses with tunable center frequencies and spectral components ranging from 0.1 THz (1 THz = 10 12 Hz) [...] Hz) to >100 THz, peak amplitudes on the order of up to 1 V/Å, and durations down to the single-cycle limit. Time-domain spectroscopy – an oscilloscope for light – detects these waveforms with subcycle precision …
from DAES group implemented such algorithms for the F1/10 vehicles and we jointly integrated it with our communication stack. Truly impressive, the F1/10 vehicles pass the round track at high speeds nearly [...] recently presented in the context of the 6GEM research hub. For 6G-releated research, small-scaled F1/10 vehicles are equipped with mesh technology and are teleoperated from CNI's driving stand, solely [...] enables smooth handovers which are unnoticable for the teleoperator. To finalize the workshop, three F1/10 vehicles were set to the scene and a platooning use case was shown. Platooning is a V2X application …
a broadcast via Zoom. Meeting ID: 993 5440 4522 Identification code: Treehouse …
(Consortium of Higher Education Researchers) 35th Annual Conference in Vienna, August 30 - Sepember 1, 2023 on the following topic: Factors Influencing the Number of Peer Reviews of Journal Articles by …
95th Annual Conference of the North German Dermatological Society e.V. from August 30 to September 1, 2024 in Rostock. In a lecture, TP-6 presented the latest results on site and exchanged ideas with local …
As of 1st September, Alwin Berger starts his position as a Ph.D. student at the System Software Group. He also finished his master thesis "Emulator-based Fuzzing of Operating-system State-transition Graphs" …
TU members are invited to attend, ask questions and join in the discussion. When? September 23 Time? 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Where? Otto-Hahn-Straße 12, Room E.003 To the sustainability report …
Winter Term 2023/24 Lecture Quantum Field Theory E. Stamou Fri, 10am-12am, Physics - P1-01-306 LSF Seminar Condensed Matter Meets Particle Physics E. Stamou, U. Löw Wed, 2-4pm, Physics - P2-04-410 LSF …