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Member SP-1 Dr. Tonya Andreeva Send an email Phone: +49 7121/271-2043 Institute: Department Biomedicine and Material, Reutlingen University …
Pictures Students Posters Our Workshop: SDG1A - Towards no poverty in Iraq: Exploring potentials of sustainable development What was the workshop about? With SDG 1, the United Nations calls for a substantial [...] appropriate social protection systems to be implemented on a global scale. Students in workshop SDG1 discussed reasons that might especially in Iraq eventually increase the level of poverty, such as population …
process, which can be described by different phases (Fig. 1) and is either driven by limitations in the surface reaction layer or the diffusion layer [1,2]. The impact factors defining the dominant mechanism [...] since only dissolved API molecules can diffuse through living tissue and reach their target site [1]. Therefore, the understanding of the basic dissolution process is crucial for an enhanced drug formulation …
News Archive 2023 1 2 Next 11/27/2023 New Member of the board of land value appraisers in the City of Hagen Prof. Thomas Hartmann has been appointed as member of board of land value appraisers in the City [...] October, the paper is now available. 06/01/2023 Prof. Dr. Ben Davy gave two guest lectures in module 10.1 Planning cartography The former chair, Prof. Dr. Ben Davy, gave two guest lectures in the module Planning [...] Olbrich wins the Bauland Prize 2022 with his Master's thesis under the supervision of Thomas Hartmann 1 2 Next …
practicals: Contact person REC1 experiment PEP Summer semester 2022: Reaction Engineering II: Supervisor of laboratory practicals - contact person for the experiment REC1/CVT10 Contact E-mail address Phone: [...] Chemical Engineering (BCI) Chair of Reaction Engineering and Catalysis (REC) Emil-Figge-Straße 66 | G1, Room 04.15 44227 Dortmund …
antibodies and proteins is an emerging field in biotechnology due to their high specificity with antigens [1]. However, most of the proteins have a poor solubility in water and therefore their application is mostly [...] suitable additives shall be identified that increase the protein concentration up to 150 to 200 mg mL-1 to enable subcutaneous administration of these formulations with higher patient compliance. Description [...] applied to predict protein solubility on the basis of second osmotic virial coefficients. References [1] S. Mitragotri, P. A. Burke, and R. Langer: "Overcomming the Challenges in Administering Biopharmaceuticals: …
FWW6 / 1.024 For this purpose, an information event will be held by the Student Council in cooperation with the Faculty Management, the Examination Office and other representatives of the Faculty/University …
is studying statistics (B.A.) with minor subject sociology and has been working at the chair since 1 January 2024 as a student assistant. …
Winter Semester 2021/2022 Web Technologies 1 Project: Implementation of Software Library Metrics Type Systems for Correctness and Security Seminar: Replicability of Research Artifacts …
In Proceedings of the 11 t h Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS) , IEEE, London, UK, pp. 1–6, April 2012. View on IEEE Xplore …