Life Course Sociology
Nehle Penning
N. (2024): Participation in late working life - Perspectives and experiences of older female workers in Germany. Aging & Social Change: Fourteenth Interdisciplinary Conference, Sept. 18 – 20, 2024, Galway [...] (eng)aging!, June 20 – 21, 2024, Prague, Czech Republic Crossdale, R., Penning, N., Reichert, M. (2024): The role of health in retirement planning towards extended working lives. Gemeinsamen Frühjahrstagung [...] Soziologische Theorien und aktuelle Befunde, 29. Februar– 01. März 2024, Dortmund, Deutschland Penning, N.; Casanova, G., Reichert, M. (2024): Innovative solutions to contrast the socio-economic risk of German …