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A successor, Cisco Endpoint Security, is available for work computers and has already been rolled out in the areas managed by the ITMC. Unfortunately, the Cisco client cannot be used privately by stud …
You will find all information on the respective subjects as well as the links to the registration pages on our website: Laboratory Information systems case study Planning and implementation of IT proj …
125 collections of social science and humanities primary sources cover topics such as history, politics, sport, literature, fashion and colonialism. The following individual collections are particular …
The keynote speakers include Prof. Martina Brandt, who will give a lecture on the challenges of demographic change. The event will be opened by the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Lisa Paus, who …
Congratulations! Her poster dealt with the topic "Water Purification in a Freeze Concentration Process". …
Weitere Informationen zur Geleichstellungspolitik der UA Ruhr. …
This time, Prof. Dr. Petra Wiederkehr, who has been Vice President Diversity at TU Dortmund University since June 2023, provided the impetus for the event and wanted to exchange ideas and engage in co …