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Prof. Liudvika Leišytė gave a keynote address on teaching and research among early career academics in Europe at the COST action VOICES summer training. She showed that gender and higher education sys …
The VDI/VDE-GMA FA 2.15 „Grundlagen vernetzter und lernender Systeme“ took place as usual at the Wissenschaftszentrum Schloss Reisensburg. Dieter Teichrib gave a talk on the “Analysis of Neural Networ …
The event will open with an aperitif at all chairs participating in the exhibition. There will be exhibitions, lectures and experiments in Buildings I and II on Campus South. The exhibition runs from …
On May 28, the auditing and consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers honored the best theses in the fields of controlling, accounting, auditing and taxation at the Faculty of Business Administration and …
For more information, click here . …
On Saturday, 14.9. and Sunday, 15.9. the database wiso will be temporarily restricted or not accessible at all. Thank you for your understanding! Please contact If you have any questions, please conta …
If you have configured eduroam access differently or trusted the certificate displayed when you first connected, you will most likely receive a warning message regarding a new certificate. For compari …
Refund of semester fees after exmatriculation: Please refer to the campus portal for further explanations. …
This year, the focus was on teaching, including the restructuring of laboratories and curricula. Future research topics at BCI were also discussed. The suggestions made will now be fleshed out in the …
40 BCI students took advantage of this opportunity and took part in the excursion to Frankfurt organized by the BCI faculty. At the trade fair, the participants were able to take part in tours organiz …