Department of Social, Industrial and Organizational Psych
Department Head
Prof. Dr. Joachim Hüffmeier
J. & Kühner, C. (2024). Replication marketplaces would help science to become more self-correcting. Royal Society Open Science, 11, 240850 Jäckel, E., Zerres, A., & Hüffmeier, J. (2024). Active listening [...] online published February, 14, 00936502241230711. Koppenborg, M., Klingsieck, K. B., & Hüffmeier, J. (2024). Conjunctive and additive group work reduce academic procrastination: Insights from a vignette study [...] Current Psychology, 43 (2), 997-1010 . Mann, M.,† Warsitzka, M.,† Hüffmeier, J., & Trötschel, R. (2024). United we stand: A principle-based negotiation training for collective bargaining. International …