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Project duration 01.02.2024 – 30.07.2025 Promoting reading skills through artificial intelligence and digital stories The “LeseKI:DS” project, a cooperation between the Center for Research on Education …
Lipid‐Based Nanoparticles: Selective Behavior at the Nano‐Bio Interface." Advanced Materials 36.6 (2024): 2310872. …
Research on the sport game Futsal Publications and oral presentations Publications: Pirk, R. & Pirk, N. (2024). Kin-Ball – Spielprobleme erkennen und lösen lernen . sportunterricht, 73 (12), 551-555. Pirk, N …
Zeit- und Selvsrmanagement“ anrechenbar für die Zertifikate für Promovierende . Anmeldeschluss: 13.06.2024 Zur Anmeldung* …
seminar will combine plenary seminar work with small-group instruction. The book will be published in 2024; participants will be listed as co-translators. The seminar will combine plenary seminar work with …
Regulation starting Wintersemester 2021/2022 Examination Regulation starting Wintersemester 2023/2024 1st amendment from 7 February 2025 sonstige Ordnungen Ordnung zur Abgabe von Abschlussarbeiten Ordnung …
significantly increase the autonomy of the target audience in their daily lives. Duration 02/2021 - 04/2024 Consortium German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Bremen (Coordination) Link: https://www …
P2-05-416 Übung Mittwoch (5 Termine im 2 Wochen Rythmus), 14:15 - 15:45, M/E 29 Vorlesungsbeginn: 09.04.2024 Der moodle Einschreibeschlüssel lautet: dt_ITSM Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Fragen per E-Mail an Lisa …
5,102 people (as of October 9) started studying at TU Dortmund University in the winter semester 2024/25, almost as many as in the previous year. This means that 29,407 people are currently studying at …