Lorenz Graf-Vlachy
46(1): 36–69. “A Blessing and a Curse: How CEOs’ Trait Empathy Affects Their Management of Organizational Crises,” with A. König, J. Bundy, & L.M. Little, Academy of Management Review , 2020, 45(1): 130–153 [...] ührung Otto-Hahn-Str. 4 D-44227 Dortmund Campus Address Campus: North Building: OH4 Tower: 1 Floor: 5 Room: 1-05-318 [...] König, R. Banfield, M. Rauch, & A. Boutalikakis, Journal of Product Innovation Management , 2023, 40(1): 3–29. “Opportunity/Threat Perception and Inertia in Response to Discontinuous Change: Replicating …