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Lecture Steady State Simulation Type Lecture (2 SWS) + Exercise (1 SWS) Credits 3.5 Rythm Summer term Bachelor/ Master Master Audience PSE Language English LSF number 061074 Moodle Room Moodle Raum SS …
Since 1 June 2024, Dr. Kerrin Langer is supporting the project Greening Military? On the Transformation of the Military Metabolism in Context of Climate Change and Increasing Geopolitical Tensions as a …
developed six work packages for the research and development phase. Overview and Responsibilities WP 1: Risk trends and resettlement options WP 2: Resilient upgrading WP 3: Resilient retreat WP 4: Mainstreaming …
of Potential Risk Factors" in The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 1-7. Those interested can access the paper online . …
On December 1, the network management Prof. Dr. Uwe Wilkesmann (top right) welcomed Dr. Grit Würmseer (center) and Dr. des. Björn Möller (bottom right) from the HIS-Institut für Hochschulentwicklung e …
Professorship »Sociology of Work and Organization«, research and teaching activities are focused on (1) work (2) organization , (3) knowledge , (4) digitalization , and on the relationship between these …
mechanisms in deep hole drilled AISI 4140 steel” will take place on June 10, 2024, at 01:00 pm in room 1.001 of the Maschinenbau 3 Gebäude at Campus South. …
and Security student assistant research assistant 08.03.2024 Department of Statistics Professorship (W1) Environmetrics …
Anmeldung zur IUL-Jubiläumsfeier am 9. September 2022 - Schritt 1 - Kontaktdaten Mit * markierte Felder sind Pflichtfelder. Nachname * Vorname * Titel Universität/Einrichtung/Firma * E-Mail-Adresse * …
To address whether these intriguing possibilities do play a role we scanned the genomes of more than 1,000 avian and mammalian species for NUMTs. We indeed identified that the subclass of divergent NUMTs [...] insertions occasionally may be functional. © Yu-Chi Chen/CSB …