30.04.2024 Dr. Meyer from the German Brick and Tile Industry e.V to the lecture 14.05.2024 at 19:00 in the Superraum Key Lecture, Roger Boltshauser (Boltshauser Architects, Zurich/Munich) 11.06.2024 at 6 [...] 06.2024 Mr. Dr. Schulte Holthausen from the company Ardex GmbH for the lecture 18.06.2024 at 19:00 in the Superraum Key Lecture, Stépahnie Bru & Alexandre Thériot (Bruther, Paris/Zurich) 08.11.2024 all [...] Sergison (Sergison Bates, London/Zurich/Brussels) 16.01.2024 at 18:00 in the Doric Hall Come.stay.go, Reinhard Maurer to the lecture 11.03.2024 all day in the Baukunstarchiv Int. spring academy, Prof. …