Teaching and exams
Exams Educational and Differential Psychology
lecture hall building II/HS1/HS3 . The re-writing date of the exam "Differential Psychology" will take place on Monday, 20.03.2023, 16.00 - 17.30 h, lecture hall EF 50/HS1/HS2/HS3 . Both dates can also [...] Psychology in winter semester 2022/23 Thursday, 09.03.2023, 14.00 - 15.30, Lecture Hall Building II/HS1/HS3. If there are any changes, they will be announced in time on this page. Information The module exam [...] Differential Psychology in winter semester 2022/23 Monday, 20.03.2023, 16.00 - 17.30, lecture hall EF 50/HS1/HS2/HS3. If there are any changes, they will be announced on this page in due time. Information The …