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- since 09/2018 electrical technician at the Institute of Communication Technology TU Dortmund
- 2014-2018 electrical technician E/E quality Thyssen Krupp Mülheim (Ruhr)
- 2011-2014 evening classes for Industriemeister electro-technics/automation IHK Dortmund
- 2006-2014 programmer plc maintenance Thyssen Krupp Mülheim (Ruhr)
- 2001-2006 electronic technician maintenance Mercedes(later Thyssen Krupp) Düsseldorf
- 1997-2001 apprenticeship electronic technician Mercedes plant Düsseldorf
- 1996-1997 Military Services regiment 990 Essen Kray
- 1993-1996 University-entrance diploma at gym of professional school Bertold Brecht Duisburg